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Re: инвестиции в злато
01-10-2008 - 16:40:46
ей го DOW пак надолу се засили...10 733
Re: инвестиции в злато
01-10-2008 - 20:51:36

Редактиран 1 път(и).Последна редакция на 2010-06-08 16:47 от dival.
Re: инвестиции в злато
02-10-2008 - 01:22:05
Аз съм съгласен с bender - инвестирайте в гаджета със сейф.....!
Ако ги хване инфалцията ги сменете с по-млади, но задължително със сейф!!!!!!
Re: инвестиции в злато
02-10-2008 - 03:44:23
Колкото и да ти се струва страшно, най-добрата инвестиция в момента е прехвърлянето на евро в долари защото доларът се качва спрямо еврото и тенденцията е да продължава. [www.fxstreet.com] За целта парите могат да бъдат прехвърлени в discount brokerage account. [us.etrade.com] или [www.amtd.com]
Ще е необходимо да боравиш с английски на средно ниво. Сметките в брокерски къщи са на практика най-сигурни защото не са част от активите на брокерската къща, за разлика от банките, а се държат в отделен тръст. При това са застраховани на много по-високо ниво.
След това е можеш да помислиш да инвестираш част от сумата в акции на някои от американските банки, които най-много ще спечелят от създалата се безпрецедентна суматоха (риба се лови най-добре в мътна вода), в която няколко големи банки печелят много от "продадените" - чети "подарените им" банкрутирали фирми. Например: Morgan Chase, Bank of America. Виж: [finance.google.com] ,
но дори и Wachovia и национализираните Fannie Mae и Freddy Mack.

Re: инвестиции в злато
02-10-2008 - 18:29:06
Абе ако републиканците вземат властта в УСА един господ знае в каква посока ще тръгне долара, така че ....
Re: инвестиции в злато
02-10-2008 - 18:52:11

Не ме подценявай. Аз също съм със сейф winking smiley Но пък и това прави преценката ми пристрасна....
Съгласен съм Златна за долара, но за щатски акции май е малко рано. moody smiley
Много луди са пазарите moody smiley
Re: инвестиции в злато
08-06-2010 - 15:33:00
Здравейте бих искала да ви предложа една интересна статия за златото. В статията ще видите има и графика на това как върви неговата продажба. Ще се радвам да я прочетете това е линка : [forum.camru.org]
Re: инвестиции в злато
08-06-2010 - 17:47:17
За всички печалбари, които не искат да се минат:
В Димитровград златото върви в промоция със стек цигари и парафюм 'Версаче".
Re: инвестиции в злато
09-09-2010 - 22:47:07

Gold trend
We expect gold to start a substantial rise now which will continue for 5-10 months before any major correction. Gold’s technical picture is extremely strong with a continuous rising pattern of higher highs and higher lows with the steepness of the curve increasing. From much higher levels we are likely to see a correction that could last up to a year before the next rise which will last several years before we see a significant peak. Once gold has topped we do not expect the same kind of decline as after the 1980 peak since gold is likely to become part of a future reserve currency. At that point gold will be a solid but unexciting investment with very little upside potential. But that is likely to be a few years away.

In spite of a 5 times increase in the value of gold or an 80% decline against many currencies and stockmarkets in the last 11 years, most investors own no gold and still do not understand the importance and value of gold. In a world of constant money printing and credit creation leading to devaluing currencies and devaluing assets, gold reflects stability and is virtually the only store of value that cannot be destroyed by governments.

The average asset manager, fund manager, pension fund or private individual owns no physical gold and at best has a very small exposure to some precious metals stocks. And in spite of this gold has gone up over 400% in 11 years. How is that possible? For the simple reason with the relatively modest demand that we have seen in the last few years, there is not enough physical gold even at these levels. The increase in demand that we have seen has most probably been satisfied by central banks leasing or lending their gold to the bullion banks. Central banks supposedly own 30,000 tons of gold but unofficial estimates of their real holdings are at 15,000 tons or less.

So what are the factors that are likely to lead to a major rise in the gold price?

We have for several years outlined in our Newsletters the problems in the world that inevitably will lead to massive money printing and a hyperinflationary depression (see for example “Alea Iacta Est” and “There Will Be No Double Dip…” on the Matterhorn Asset Management website).

There are three insurmountable problems:

•Real unemployment at 22% in the US will continue to go up
•The budget deficit will increase dramatically due to the problems in the economy and in a few years time the interest on the Federal Debt is likely to be higher than tax revenues.
•None of the problems in the banking industry have been solved but merely swept under the carpet by phoney valuations of toxic debt with the blessing of governments. The circa $20 trillion that were pumped into the world economy to save the financial system in 2008-9 have had a very short term beneficial effect but solved none of the problems.
The effect of this massive $20 trillion infusion has been ephemeral since we are entering the autumn of 2010 with virtually every single economic indicator and statistic in the US deteriorating rapidly. With interest rates already at zero there is no ammunition left but one. And it is this specific last bullet that will be used to infinity in the next few years and starting very soon, namely UNLIMITED MONEY PRINTING. Every single area of the US economy will need support or printed money, whether it is the federal government, the states, the municipalities, banks, pension funds, insurance companies, the unemployed, corporations, health care, housing market, commercial real estate, individuals, etc, etc, etc. The list is endless and many other countries will follow.

Before we talk about gold in hyperinflationary terms, let’s look at where gold is likely to reach in today’s money.

Currencies should in the next few years be looked upon as a necessary evil and not as a store of value. All currencies will continue to decline against gold, just as they have in the last 11 years and in the last 100 years. Due to money printing by most governments, we will have a fierce game of competitive devaluations by virtually all central banks. We have seen the Euro and the pound weaken substantially and the next currency the speculators will jump on is the US dollar. The dollar is grossly overvalued, partly due to the weak Euro, and is likely to weaken significantly due to the problems in the US economy.

Currencies only reflect relative value and not absolute value since they can be and are printed until they reach their intrinsic value of zero. It is a fallacy to measure the value of a currency relative to another currency since they are all losing value. Currencies should only be measured against real money which is gold. This is the only method that reveals governments’ deceitful actions in destroying the value of paper money. Therefore it is a mug’s game to speculate or invest in currencies since they will all decline in an extremely volatile and unpredictable market.

So are there currencies which are likely to perform better on a relative basis for funds that have to be held in paper money? We believe that Norwegian kroner, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar, Singapore Dollar, Australian Dollar and Renminbi will perform relatively better than many other currencies.

We are now entering a period when most major asset classes and in particular stocks, bonds and currencies are starting a major decline. Since most financial assets in the world are invested in these three categories plus real estate which will also decline, we are likely to experience major shocks and crises in the financial system and the world economy. Wealth protection is now more important than probably at any other time in history. Physical gold and possibly other precious metals directly controlled by the investor will be a vital part of a wealth preservation portfolio.


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Редактиран 1 път(и).Последна редакция на 2010-09-09 22:51 от antoninus_pius.
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